Some Common Eye Contact Mistakes to Avoid

Some Common Eye Contact Mistakes to Avoid

Applying aye contacts provide the freedom of not wearing frames every day but the problem is that many people make serious mistakes with their contacts care. Bad habits of dealing the eye contacts can lead to eye infections and possibly permanent injuries.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) examined more than 1,000 cases of contact lens-related infections reported to a federal database over the last decade, and found that nearly 1 in 5 of those infections resulted in eye damage—either a decline in vision or a scarred cornea.

But the agency also found that by simply using your contacts the way you're supposed to, you can protect your eyes. About 25% of the reported cases involved behaviors known to put a person at greater risk of eye infection.

Here are the common eye contact mistakes to avoid for good eye health.

1. You leave them in for too long or sleep in your contacts

Don't sleep in your contacts

Over wear is common, but not the way to go. Many people don’t remove contacts to avoid the practice of cleaning and applying them again and again try which can cause infection. Lenses get worn out and coated with germs. Over time, this can cause infections. So don’t let them in for too long and wash them with solution daily.

Similarly, sleeping in your lenses isn’t healthy for your eye. The plastic acts as a barrier, reducing how much oxygen reaches the surface of your eye. Give your eyes a break at night so they can recover from your day wear. 

2. You touch your contacts with dirty fingers

Don't touch your contacts with dirty fingers

Always wash your hands before you handle your contacts. If your hands are dirty, you may transfer germs and bacteria to your eyes and risk infection.

Even clean hands will carry some germs, but washing will make sure you get fewer bacteria in your eyes.

3. You don’t use contact solution 

Use contact solution

Your contacts need to be cleaned and disinfected but don’t ever clean your lenses with tap water. The water from your sink looks clean enough, but it’s full of harmful microorganisms that could infect your eye and create vision loss. Soak your contacts in fresh, proper solution at night. 

4. You don't change your solution daily

Change your solution daily

Reusing contact lens solution is like doing laundry with dirty water. You should always empty and rinse your contact lens case. Fill your case with fresh solution every time you store your contacts, and don’t ever mix it with old solution. Contact solution is so cheap that you might as well empty it out and do it right every time to avoid eye problems. 

5. You shower or swim in your contacts

Don't shower or swim in your contacts

Water is a risk, even if you don’t mean to put it straight on your lens. Take your contacts out before getting in a pool or shower, or your contacts could be sucking up harmful bacteria. Even if you aren't planning to get your head wet, drops could escape into your eyes when you swim. Tap water might be clean enough to rinse your body, but you don’t want the bacteria in it sitting in your eyes for hours.

6. You don't clean them properly or use put the clean lens in the same case

Replace the Lens Case

At the end of the day, it's important to clean your lenses to remove makeup and any debris that may have built up during the day. After washing your hands, rub each contact lens between your fingers and palm with a bit of fresh contact solution. If you want to keep the lens off, put them in a case which is replaced every three months. Bacteria build up and create a slimy layer of microorganisms called biofilm in the case. In those few months before you change your case, use contact solution to rinse your case

Avoid these mistakes when wearing your contact lenses to keep your eyes free from infection and injury. In addition, go for eye exam annually. It identifies potential health issues and helps to determine the best lenses for you based on your current eye health and lifestyle needs.
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